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9-11 Memorial

          The 9-11 Memorial was dedicated on September 10th, 2002, in memory of those lost in the

September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. The Kiwanis Club of Bellevue organized the effort to fund and build the memorial in Haworth Park, but relocated it to American Heroes Park. The Kiwanis Club also organizes Bellevue's annual 9-11 Memorial Ceremony.


          The memorial features two flagpoles symbolizing the World Trade Center towers, a concrete model of the Pentagon, and the number "93" symbolizing United Flight 93. A bronze plaque rests at the base of the memorial to recognize donors and community support, and rose beds straddle the sidewalk. 

American Heroes Park 9-11 Memorial

9-11 Memorial

Plaque at the base of the AHP 9-11 Memorial

Plaque at the base of the 9-11 Memorial

The rose beds began as Ms Joanne Langabee's 2007 test garden in Haworth Park. Unfortunately,

the 2011 Missouri River flood destroyed the bed. Undeterred, Ms Langabee, the Kiwanis Club of Bellevue, and students from Bellevue West, built rose beds at the base of the 9-11 Memorial, where they remain today. AHP Volunteers began caring for the rose beds when they adopted American Heroes Park in 2017. Sadly, the 2019 Missouri River flood overwhelmed the roses.

"Knock Out" and "Remember Me" rose bushes were produced and donated to honor the 9-11 fallen; and were planted in alternating red and white rows, symbolizing the stripes on the American flag. 

9-11 Memorial Ceremony
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